Buy a Home in 2013!

Dear friends and family,

Hope your Christmas was absolutely PERFECT! This time of year is always hard for me~ I tease my husband that I get seasonal depression in the summer because Christmas Time is my absolute favorite! Good thing it will be here soon enough 😉

I am writing today in behalf of those buyers/sellers that enter into a real estate contract unrepresented. This scares me SO incredibly much due to the fact that there is A LOT that goes into the buying process. My real estate team and I have to carry errors and emissions in order to protect us if anything should go wrong. It is rare, but even Judy in her 30+ years of experience has had to sit on the stand in court. She obviously won both suits, but nonetheless how terrifying. Especially if you are an average person with no expertise behind your belt. Judy and I deal with the terminology EVERYDAY and therefore it is second nature to us. My husband always tells everyone that had it not been for me he would have never bought a home. The listing agent would give him documents to sign and he would tell me he had no idea what it meant. The loan process is also a very confusing experience and why not have someone on your side to help you there as well?

I have been given many compliments for my ability to simplify the real estate process into to everyday terms. I believe this is doing a huge favor to our clients because they know exactly what I am referring to and so forth. I am able to sit down with my clients and truly know that they are grasping each word that I am saying.

PLEASE call me today before writing an offer! I promise you will not regret it!

If a seller says something like this to you make sure to RUN, “I do not want to work with Realtors. If you write an unrepresented offer I will throw in the blinds and fridge.” In other words this seller is extremely cheap and does not want you to have professional representation. The seller has to pay for Realtor Fess and therefore buyers receive professional care at no cost to them.

BEST website!

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