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Trader Joe’s Comes to UT!

Sorry folks there will be no $2 Buck Chucks, but still Trader Joe’s is HERE!!!!

Judy and I visited on opening day and LOVED the energy down there! SLC needs this for us to truly amp up our state.

I love selling real estate and recognize the need for new businesses to help boost our economy!

Trader Joe’s

Better than Pinterest

I can assure you that this website truly has something for everyone!!!!

Men, are you looking for a site to view while your wife spends hours on Pinterest?? Look no further than!!

Come check-it-OUT!!!

Better than Pinterest

26 Year Old Homeowner(*)

I am so lucky to have been given the knowledge of the importance of owning real estate! It is something that no landlord, adjacent tenant, etc can take away from you! Recently I was able to build my own home and I am beyond happy with my decision to do this. I was also able to put down 20% on my home making my monthly payments extremely low as well as avoiding M.I. This was the best decision EVER for me due to the fact that I had the money to do so. The other day I was chatting with a friend that want to mimic my actions; unfortunately for her to save up enough while renting it will be pointless. The money she will be out during the next two years of renting will not pay-off the outcome of putting more money down.

What the…?

J.K Rowling is planning to build a tree house for the grand kids that will roughly cost $235,000!!!! That is crazy!!!


Utah has officially entered a seller’s market!

Sorry buyers~ you snooze, you lose!

There are still GREAT homes to be purchased, do not wait too long though.

Call me today (801)-597-6446 and let’s get started on the most exciting journey yet!

Investment Properties

If you really want the best deals in investment properties, you have to increase your odds by finding more deals. Plan on using my expertise to help you find a good deal! These are the top 10 rules I follow in order to find my buyers the best deal out there.

1. Talk. Let people know you are looking and sometimes the properties will come to you. There are a lot of owners out there who want to sell, but haven’t yet listed their property. I often send out an email blast to my entire company to notify everyone of my buyer’s needs. That way if they have a pocket listing they can keep me in the loop to assure my buyer has first dibs. In today’s market this is HUGE and highly effective.

2. Use the internet. Go to a search engine and enter the type of real estate you are looking for, along with the city you want to invest in. You never know what you might find. Also, feel free to use my team’s webiste, Judy Allen Team

3. Drive around looking for “For Sale By Owner” signs. Owners often don’t want to pay to keep the ad in the paper every week, so you won’t see all properties there.

4. Find abandoned properties. That’s a pretty clear sign that the owner doesn’t want to deal with the property. He might sell cheap.

5. Find old “For Rent” ads. Call if they are a few weeks old. Landlords are often ready to sell, especially if the haven’t yet rented the units out.

6. Talk to bankers. You might get a foreclosed-on investment property cheaper if you buy it before they list it with a real estate agent.

7. Offer someone a finder’s fee. There are people that always seem to hear about the good deals. Have such people coming to you.

8. Eviction notices. If your local papers publish eviction notices, or if you can get the information at the courthouse, it can be useful. A landlord who just went through the procees of evicting tenants is a likely seller.

9. Old FSBO ads. If you call on two-month-old “For sale By Owner” ads, and they haven’t sold, they may be ready to deal. Owners often give up the effort, but still would love to sell. Help them out!

10. Put an ad in the paper. “Looking for investment properties to buy,” might be sufficient to generate a few calls.

Tax Information that will save you $$

Section 1031 in the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is a boon for a prospective investor, selling an investment property and wanting to make a profit by reinvesting in a similar property elsewhere in the country. This wonderful concept works on the principle of gain rolling from the old to the new, therefore saving you money$$.

There is widespread ignorance on the modalities about this exchange; as a result, 30-40 percent of property owners end up paying tax during the sale. Exchange 1031 not only fructifies into essential tax savings, but also makes possible the swapping of property in the fairest manner at places of choice. No wonder that the 1031 Exchange excites the property market so much.

The new income-generating replacement property gives the investor the double whammy of added income + savings from tax that would have otherwise gone to the IRS coffers. Cha-ching$$

Besides saving the buyer from a huge tax burden coming in the guise of capital gains, the instrument offers maximum immunity and flexibility in reinvesting the money gained from the sale in a replacement property within a given period.

The exchange being time-bound is no kid’s play either. In every exchange of this kind, Qualified Intermediaries (QI) plays a crucial role connecting the buyer and seller. The Federal Tax Code makes service of QI mandatory since 1991 in any exchange.

The federal nature of the 1031 Exchange regulations make the Qualified Intermediary play a wizard in guiding and structuring the exchange, satisfying all parameters and suiting the goals of the clients. It is the QI who does the paperwork required by the IRS to document the exchange. The QI carefully prepares all documents and serves the parties with copies of the exchange agreement, novation agreement and escrow instructions.

The Exchange Agreement reads like a contract between the Exchanger and a Qualified Intermediary. The Exchanger explicitly agrees to transfer his old property to the Intermediary, in lieu of a new property to be supplied by the latter within 180 days. The contract outlines all terms and conditions under which the exchange of properties should take place.

For a 1031 Exchange to take effect, both the old property as well as the new property should be in the category of investment property, capable of generating income. The examples could be rental property, bare land, vacation homes or more.

As soon as the old property is sold, within 45 days the seller has to come out with a list containing 2-3 probable properties fit for replacement. And the whole process of purchasing the new property or replacement property from the list must be over in a period of 180 days.

The exchange becomes bona-fide only when the title stays intact and whosoever held title to the old relinquished property gets the title of the new property.

In between the sale and purchase of property, the seller of the old property would get no access to the money he accrued from the sale, as the money will be vested with the ‘Qualified Intermediary’ (QI) till the exchange gets over.

This 1031 Exchange process has matured and has been known by many names in the past including Like Kind Exchange, Deferred or Delayed Exchange, Simultaneous or Concurrent Exchange, Starker Trust or Exchange, Alderson Exchange, Reverse Exchange, Two, Three, or Four Party Exchange and Baird Exchange.

My loving uncle is an AMAZING CPA and I would love to get you in contact with him regarding more information on this topic.

I hope this information can be of help to you!

Color combinations

Blues and light blues, particularly, are considered, “dangerous” colors. It’s quite a commitment. However, the more earthy you go with any color, the more you remove the “danger.” Dusty blues and greens allow the color to come through without screaming back the full intensity *glare* of the color. But it’s a delicate balance. Dusty colors are considered a bit dated in many cases. I tend to go with more timeless color palettes and use furniture and accents as pieces to make a more modern feel. It’s different for everyone.

Consider this when choosing color schemes for your home.

Please feel free to call me with any advice on choices for upgrades and how they will effect you for resale. I am happy to help and provide you with professional advice!!! (801)-597-6446

Make it a great day!

Magic Tricks!

Kitchen remodels can truly transform the feel of one’s home. If you are struggling to get an offer may I suggest you add affordable hardware to your kitchen cabinets. This quick fix will honestly make a HUGE difference in modernizing your kitchen. Also, for older homes one could paint their dark colored doors and add new door handles. This will run you anywhere from $100-$300 depending on the amount of doors in your home, but trust me, you will LOVE it! I actually did this on my duplex while I was living there. Super easy and it made the world of a difference.

This remodel will help to create a larger kitchen with a more positive upbeat feeling.

This remodel will help to create more working space in the kitchen.

Grab the Kleenex

This is a real tear jerker, but in a GOOD way 🙂

BEST proposal EVER!!!