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Our NEW home!

Come take a look at our new home that we built!


I just want to make all of my followers aware of a scam in Salt Lake City, Utah that took place today.

My darling buyers entered into a contract late Tuesday afternoon pending the approval of a deadline via an addendum three. Myself, as well as the lender were given a verbal agreement from the actual seller on Wednesday. I was told by the seller’s agent that the addendum would be delivered via fax sometime Thursday afternoon. I called, emailed, and text requesting the addendum and did not hear back. My buyers and I decided to address it first thing Friday morning; figuring the agent got busy or something. I called Friday morning and was told that the seller decided to take another offer. I was absolutely sick to my stomach at this point that someone would do such a thing to good people. The actions of the seller’s agent and the seller all make sense now. They are in the business to get rich and take advantage of people. I am happy that I was able to pick-up on the fraud and therefore assure my buyer’s earnest money was protected.

My buyers and I plan to head back out to find an even better home tomorrow!

Have a great Friday and weekend everyone.

FREE Slurpee today!

Good morning!

Most importantly,

I closed on my house yesterday and we will get keys today if the certificate of occupancy is issued from the city. The appraiser also has to come back to check off the front rail for our house. We are SO excited to call Penny Ave. home~it is crazy to me that my grandpa used to own that land. The same land that Nate and I will bring our first baby home to (someday, not in 9 months:)

Yesterday, in sales meeting we talked about a great article from Time

This is super exciting and VERY true! Take a look for yourself…

On a side note(*)

Last September I was diagnosed with cancer, Melanoma to be exact. It was NOT ideal timing (a few months from my 11-11-11 wedding). I found the cancer on my ear because a mole has started to grow in size. I underwent treatment for two months and then went off to allow time for the swelling and infection to settle prior to my surgery this last March. I am asking you all to PLEASE get your skin checked. My good friend I met up at The Huntsman Cancer Institute while I was going up there for treatments passed away last night from this ugly disease. Cancer has taken far too many people from me and I do not want to lose anyone else. STAY OUT OF TANNING BEDS, SPF daily, eat Vitamin D, take care of yoru body (you only have one), eat healthy, do not put harmful chemicals into your body (such as aspartame), and most of all live each day fully!

The Doctors had an episode on Melanoma. It was a great episode filled with lots of information!

A quick little lesson on SPF from my awesome oncologist:

Front label- Broad spectrum UVA + UVB protection

Back label- zinc oxide, titanium oxide, and avobenzone need to be in ingredients.

Thanks and have a great day!

Cancer free is the life for me!

Multiple Offers

On Realtor Tour today I had the opportunity to discuss the market and home prices with other agents. We all fill that yes, there are multiple offer scenarios, but home prices have still not yet stabilized unfortunately. It is exciting to see homes moving though!! With time hopefully all will be made right regarding the real estate market. It may not be the best time to sell your home, but man it is the time to buy!

On Monday night my husband and I were lucky enough to score pre-screening tickets to see, “What To Expect When You Are Expecting”. In the movie JLo and her husband are looking at homes and while in a home that she happens to love there is also about 5 other couples in there. This scene displayed the energy that truly makes selling real estate my passion! I love homes that entice buyers in and make them feel right at home. There is nothing more exciting for my sweet mother an I than to list a property that demonstrates this and emits positive vibes to all those that enter.

Have a great day!

In light of Mother’s Day!

I would like to honor my mother, mentor, best friend, confidant.

Daily my mother and I get told how lucky we are to work together… it is indeed such an honor to work under my mom.  She is an amazing, caring, all around good person!  She strives daily to make the world a better place. And through her efforts it truly is.

There have multiple times when a real estate transaction is heading South and my mom is able to save it through her intelligence and experience.  My mother has more patience than anyone I have ever met.  Anyone who knows Judy Allen

Here’s to SIX MONTHS!!

First off I want to give a shout-out to my amazing husband of SIX months TODAY!!! It is crazy to think 11-11-11 was six months ago~man what a CrAzY day that was 🙂 My husband pushes me to be the best version that I can be and I am so grateful for that. His charm and wittiness keeps me on my toes at all times. Building our first home with him has truly been the most exciting adventure. Nate and I make an awesome team! I have been handling all the loan (interest rates, locking, closing costs, orgination fee, back-end, front-end, the list goes on and on… go figure why you need to hire ME) and he has taken care of the actual building process. By working together we have truly built a one of a kind home that has people trying to purchase it from us, ha ha! The other Realtor told us that everyday someone walks in a asks about our home. We happen to be the only home in the area with a side-load garage (super neat)! And anyone who knows me will realize why I was sold the day I knew the lot number, 23!!!!

You can check out some photos from our building experience at Grab the Legos….let’s build!

We will be closing next week and moving in next weekend!

**The other day while visiting our home Nate commented on our home being the place we would bring our baby home to…. 😀 I cannot wait to raise our family in this home and spend MANY more anniversaries with my best friend by my side. I love you forever and one day Nate!

Bowman’s buy a home

Redo Ideas!

Due to my last post on top remodeling jobs I have decided to write on top re-dos for one’s kitchen.

1. Hardware. I recently experienced the difference hardware can make on kitchen cabinets personally with my new home my husband and I are building.
2. Faucet. There are so many options now days and this truly will change the way your kitchen operates.
3. Lighting. By adding LED lights you will truly add a dramatic effect for about $40.
4. Organization. Currently, I live in a home with a very small kitchen. Fortunately, I am educated enough to know that with a little organization one can truly utilize space more effectively. I hit up IKEA and purchased a magnetic knife rack, mobile spice rack, can holders, plastic bag compartment, etc to assure that every inch of my kitchen is being put to fabulous use.
5. Countertops. This can truly update any kitchen. One could replace their current countertops with laminate for just under $1,500 compared to a granite which would cost roughly $2,500. Some sellers feel as if buyers only want granite these days and figure replacing them is too costly; but in all actuality buyers are perfectly content with laminate as long as it is in an appealing, up-to-date pattern.

Hope this helps~

Ready to makeover your house?

Happy Monday to everyone!

Ready to make your living space feel larger? Let’s be honest who isn’t…

1- Store personal belongings out of site.
2- Ditch the rugs (sure they are nice in the winter, but not for summer). Bare is more!
3- Switch to full-spectrum lightbulbs.
4- Try less heavy drapery, it will add a less harsh feeling to a room. This will also open up the room to make it feel larger.
5- Do not overdo the walls. One idea would be to buy small black canvases and paint them different tinges (solid or with splatters).