
I just want to make all of my followers aware of a scam in Salt Lake City, Utah that took place today.

My darling buyers entered into a contract late Tuesday afternoon pending the approval of a deadline via an addendum three. Myself, as well as the lender were given a verbal agreement from the actual seller on Wednesday. I was told by the seller’s agent that the addendum would be delivered via fax sometime Thursday afternoon. I called, emailed, and text requesting the addendum and did not hear back. My buyers and I decided to address it first thing Friday morning; figuring the agent got busy or something. I called Friday morning and was told that the seller decided to take another offer. I was absolutely sick to my stomach at this point that someone would do such a thing to good people. The actions of the seller’s agent and the seller all make sense now. They are in the business to get rich and take advantage of people. I am happy that I was able to pick-up on the fraud and therefore assure my buyer’s earnest money was protected.

My buyers and I plan to head back out to find an even better home tomorrow!

Have a great Friday and weekend everyone.

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