Redo Ideas!

Due to my last post on top remodeling jobs I have decided to write on top re-dos for one’s kitchen.

1. Hardware. I recently experienced the difference hardware can make on kitchen cabinets personally with my new home my husband and I are building.
2. Faucet. There are so many options now days and this truly will change the way your kitchen operates.
3. Lighting. By adding LED lights you will truly add a dramatic effect for about $40.
4. Organization. Currently, I live in a home with a very small kitchen. Fortunately, I am educated enough to know that with a little organization one can truly utilize space more effectively. I hit up IKEA and purchased a magnetic knife rack, mobile spice rack, can holders, plastic bag compartment, etc to assure that every inch of my kitchen is being put to fabulous use.
5. Countertops. This can truly update any kitchen. One could replace their current countertops with laminate for just under $1,500 compared to a granite which would cost roughly $2,500. Some sellers feel as if buyers only want granite these days and figure replacing them is too costly; but in all actuality buyers are perfectly content with laminate as long as it is in an appealing, up-to-date pattern.

Hope this helps~

Ready to makeover your house?

Happy Monday to everyone!

Ready to make your living space feel larger? Let’s be honest who isn’t…

1- Store personal belongings out of site.
2- Ditch the rugs (sure they are nice in the winter, but not for summer). Bare is more!
3- Switch to full-spectrum lightbulbs.
4- Try less heavy drapery, it will add a less harsh feeling to a room. This will also open up the room to make it feel larger.
5- Do not overdo the walls. One idea would be to buy small black canvases and paint them different tinges (solid or with splatters).

Seal the deal with Love!

This last March I was fortunate enough to attend Realtor Convention in Florida! During one of my classes I was taught to add emotion to the real estate contract. Rather than just present the offer to seller from buyer; describe the buyers to the sellers, give them personalities to accompany their names. This really struck home for me and I have since implemented it into my transactions. Today I logged on to check emails, write my blog of day and saw this on

Check it out and give me a call to assure your offer is accepted. Always remember buyers DO NOT pay commissions so hire my professional services today!

Grab the legos~lets BUILD!!!

Building a home with my husband has been so much fun! We have enjoyed being able to plan and pick out everything in our 1st home together. If I had known and grown-up in real estate this process would have been much more confusing; luckily I have the confidence and backing in order to make good choices for resale. My new home is truly a eye catcher and that may be why we get offers daily to sell; and it is not even complete!!! This makes me feel so good that we have planned and forseen such a wonderful project.

In two weeks our home will be finsished~I am super excited to become a SLC resident. My NEW home!!!

My business in the FAST lane

Today I would like to write about taking one’s business into the fast lane and assuring your “car” is out of control. The example given in my seminar that I attended was that they do not pay professional race car drivers to drive straightaways they pay them a lot of money to predict the turns and the speed at which they will take them to assure accuracy and control through them. I would now like to share some reasons why I feel that I am a true asset for my buyers and sellers.

~I choose to be the type of Realtor that truly provides quality service for my clients.
~On average I return calls (when I miss them in the first place, which is rare) within 10 minutes.
~Real estate is second nature to me. My mom raised me as a single mother being a Realtor and therefore I was her little assistant the day I was born. I have had the opportunity to watch the real estate industry my entire life and am able to predict the market with better accuracy. With this opportunity to have my mother as a mentor I have been in the majority of homes through out the valley. It is super fun to see the changes/remodels that take place over years.
~Real estate is my passion.

These are just a few of the reason why I feel I would be a great fit as your Realtor.

Please contact me today to get started on your journey!


Yesterday I was fortunate enough to attend a seminar  for CRS Realtors .  This was an amazingly informative day filled with many fabulous speakers and words of wisdom. I plan to be divulging a secret or two from this eventful day to all my readers/followers.

Today I want to talk about the dangers that can arise from now being fully represented by a professional Realtor. Per capita, Utah Valley has the highest amount of fraud in the United States! That is an alarming fact given by Attorney Joe Wrona. That being said, PLEASE allow me to share my expertise with you in order to protect you from danger. Follow me on my personal website, as well in order to gain maximum knowledge.

I treat my clients like family!

Have a GREAT day!!!

Time to BUY Real Estate!

Everyone has their goals and they know where they want to be, but it is the call to action where people struggle. That is where I come in~let me connect you to your goals and dreams.

I will provide you with homes that match your criteria
We will go take a peak at the homes that interest you
You will decide what home is the home of your choice
We will write an offer
I will be along for EVERY step of the home buying process: up-to-date information regarding the property, home inspection, Repair Addendum, earnest money retrieval if need be, final walk through, signing day, funding/recording.

Call me today!

Cost-Effective Remodeling!

Happy 4-20 to everyone~I LOVE Fridays they are the absolute BEST!

I wanted to share some tips from my Realtor Magazine about various remodeling jobs that you will recoup the expense for when it comes time to sale your home. Consider this my “How To Sell Your Home”.

They are as follows:

1. The No. 1 remodeling project in Utah’s capital was a midrange garage door replacement. This recouped nearly 72% of its $1,380 cost.
2. Coming in second is vinyl sliding replacement recouping 70% of the cost of $10,197.
3. And coming in last is fiber-cement siding replacement recouping 68% of its $13,230.

Take notice that the top remodel projects are all dealing with the exterior of the home.

The 4th came in with a kitchen upgrade costing roughly $18,732 and recouping 66% of the cost.

Care to know what the least cost-effective upgrade was? It just so happens that the installation of a back-up power generator costs roughly $13,729 and recoups only 33% of that cost. Also, coming in towards the bottom was a sunroom addition. GO FIGURE that a lame addition such as that would not bring in the $, ha ha.

Why hire a professional Realtor?

Happy Spring Day to everyone! May flowers shall come because of our April showers 🙂 It may sound odd, but I truly LOVE rainy days~they are so calming to me.

Would you go into court unrepresented?

This morning I was reading an article on For Sale By Owners (FSBOs) and realized that I would not invest my money in the stock market without the help from a professional broker. I would trust the broker because he has more knowledge than I do in that industry and therefore will be a better predictor for where my money will become most profiting. This goes for many things; hair (I tried cutting my hair to save $=bad idea), diagnoses, law enforcement, etc. Right after I graduated from the University of Utah in 08′ I wanted to do it all myself; call it ambition I presume. I quickly realized not only was this terribly wearing, but also very unproductive. My mom pointed out that I needed to focus in on what I am good at and let others do the same; “this is what makes the world go round”.

Buying and selling real estate make look simple and easy from the outside, but TRUST ME there is so much that goes into it. I am currently buying/building a home and even so I am learning that I do not know all that entails in this industry even after being a professional Realtor for over 4 years. So many factors go into the sale of a home that many people do not realize. Some think they can represent themselves (so silly when they are actually throwing away money by doing this) and in the end these so called unrepresented buyers literally bite off their own arm do to on average paying more for the home, less repairs to be made, closing costs out of pocket.

So in conclusion from my starting question, I hope everyone can make the connection that being unrepresented is truly not the best route for anyone. Let professionals serve and protect you!

P.S. Always remember that a real estate professional will show you “How To Buy A Home.”

Have a great day!

How To Buy A Home

Sounds simple right? Well, in all actuality there is a lot that goes into real estate. The process often gets glamorized and simplified to entice buyers and sellers. In the end those buyers and sellers are truly not well-off. On a daily basis I get calls from people in this very predicament; often they are too far in for me to even save them.

Avoid this ugly process of lost finances, protection, knowledge by calling a PROFESSIONAL Realtor today! Allow me to offer my expertise in the industry in order for you to save cash and increase protection.

I look forward to your call (801)-597-6446